optimise supply consumption

Internal management software to optimise supply consumption

Optimizing the consumption of supplies is an effective measure with which any company can reap significant benefits. Today's technology makes it possible not only to apply optimal management strategies in this regard but also predictive analytics to anticipate the needs of employees...
optimise supply consumption

Optimizing the consumption of supplies is an effective measure with which any company can reap significant benefits. Today's technology makes it possible not only to apply optimal management strategies in this regard but also predictive analytics to anticipate the needs of employees and customers for an efficient use of these resources.

How predictive analytics can optimize supply consumption

Predictive analytics is based on monitoring and recording usage patterns and trends in a given patterns and trends of use in a given space and during a set period.

With it, we can identify the needs of the people in that space at each moment of the day and act preventively, which brings us essential advantages.

For example, if there is a peak in traffic in a particular space, the temperature will increase. Then the air-conditioning management will try to achieve appropriate climatic comfort, which requires straining the available equipment and, ultimately, higher electricity consumption without achieving the desired objectives. Instead, preventive analysis and an appropriate technological system make it possible to anticipate this influx and adapt the air conditioning to future needs to maintain the temperature without excessive energy consumption.

The same can apply, for example, to office spatial management. With optimal predictive analysis, space saturation and discomfort among employees are avoided, and the consumption of associated supplies is improved.

Technological strategies for resource optimization while maintaining employee satisfaction

New technologies allow us to use advanced systems to optimize these resources and thus maintain the satisfaction of employees, potential customers who visit us, and the company's competitiveness in general.

Sensor monitoring has been an important step forward in this regard. It allows us to obtain real-time information on the management of any space.

Recording this information linked to Big Data strategies helps us perform massive information analysis, which can yield details of great relevance for future strategies to optimize supply consumption.

Impact of management software on the sustainable use of building supplies.

Taking advantage of management software for sustainable use of the supplies required in any building provides significant benefits, among which we can highlight the following:

  • Economic savings: Optimizing the consumption of supplies helps to use only what is needed and avoid waste or excess, which always leads to higher costs for the company.
  • Environmental contribution: This consumption is linked to the company's energy expenditure, so its optimization and savings reduce associated polluting emissions, making it a key element of sustainability.
  • Employee satisfaction: It improves comfort in the space of use and allows the professional to perform a job more comfortably and pleasant, which always impacts their mood and, consequently, their work performance.

Foot Analytics tools for efficient operation in the workplace

Foot Analytics offers different tools to optimise supplies' consumption efficiently. iKnos, its spatial management platform,  provides detailed information that allows valuable decisions to be made:

  • The comparison of spaces determines the most in demand, the average occupancy and peaks that could lead to saturation.
  • With detailed usage patterns, it is possible to establish daily patterns and analyze the average attendance for every day of the week.
  • The occupant behaviour identifies the most common routes and supplies resources to be used.
  • With the average attendance and most-used spaces, occupant density and experience can be measured.

In addition, Foot Analytics also has several building operations management functions, which help to take real-time actions to improve safety, maintenance and communications.

Some of the most used for the effective management of a company's resources are the following:

  • Visits management with follow-up and alerts.
  • Real-time emergency capacity management.
  • Energy optimization based on space occupancy and usage patterns.
  • Scheduling of maintenance services.
  • Scheduling of cleaning services.
  • Notification of capacity and waiting time in the spaces.
  • Security alerts based on traceability and presence identification services.
  • A corporate app for automated space booking.
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